Sidewalk Bricks

Sidewalk Bricks with names on them

Commemorative Sidewalk Bricks

A brick in the sidewalk at PSPL is a unique way to honor a loved one or commemorate a special event. Your contribution also benefits the Library; the requested amount includes a donation. 

You can order sidewalk bricks online by completing the form below, or you can download a PDF version of the form.

Brick Order Form

Commemorative bricks for the sidewalk in front of the Library, along Wapping Street, may be ordered for a requested donation of $100 per brick. The inscription on each brick is limited to 17 characters per line, including spaces and punctuation, with a maximum of two lines. Please indicate your inscription below:

Brick #1
Brick #2
Brick #3

PSPL will only use this information to contact you about this order.

Mail to or drop off at:
Paul Sawyier Public Library,
319 Wapping Street,
Frankfort, KY 40601

Payment must be made before the brick(s) will be ordered.